Thursday, September 29, 2005

We're UP!!!

LIAB is up.. I JUST clicked on it, I guess out of habit, and I got on!

See you there! :)

A distraction

Our friend, Jackie, found this site and shared with us: I love it. The concept is quite unique ~ A Day on Earth

Anyways, it's something to look at while we're waiting *wink wink*

Thanks for sharing Jackie.

And about TM???

Has anybody heard from her? I just emailed her, but I'm not sure if I have the right address.. If you've heard from her, please let us know. I've been wondering all week long if they're okay.



And, Sara, and Jackie.. you were right. The servers are down because of the latest 2 storms. I had originally thought the hosting site was located in California, but they're not.. they're in Houston and they've been down because of the storms.

So, while it still stinks, at least now we know there IS light at the end of the tunnel.

Now, I just need to wait for my main email account to work right. Ugh.


Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Well.. still nothing

And my DH's business site is down too (which is hosted by the same company).. so at least I know it's not just the Blender. I did manage to connect to the hosting site, but there is no message or anything indicating what is happening.. and when I click on the 'support' link, it times out and cannot connect. Oh well, I think that may mean that they're working on getting everything back up and running. I hope.

Meanwhile, I have managed to get into the old board. I can reset passwords if we need to and I think that the whole board is available now (not just the welcome threads).

Email me if you need your password changed : Ginger


Tuesday, September 27, 2005


While it's been kind of nice to have a small break, I'm ready for LIAB to be up & running again. I hope the server company gets it fixed soon. I miss reading/hearing how everyone is doing.

I found it

The old board.. It's available if anybody wants to use it.. but how do we get the message out to those members who don't know about this blog? I only have a few email addresses!?


Okay, well, I called the hosting company and got their phone service. The woman who answered said she can't even get through to give them their messages! She has no updates, has no idea what's going on and has been answering calls like crazy for 3 days, from people like me, who's site is down.

So........ We wait.

The former board?

Does anybody remember the address to our old board on proboards? It's still up, but I can't remember the address and it's linked to the old site, so I can't go there to check it out! Ugh..

Well, Imagine my disappointment

When I couldn't get on again this morning. It's now been 3 days for me, even longer for a few other members! Ugh.

I think though, that when I have time today, I will try calling the hosting site. At least I'll be able to tell if they've packed up and taken a permanent hike or not..

Monday, September 26, 2005

Well, I guess this is a good place for announcements

When the hosting site goes down - this one won't!!

Never fear, Blender members.. the Blender will be back up and running as soon as we can communicate with the hosting site.

It seems everybody's servers are down, including the hosting site.. Really stinks for us, but it's not forever. We hope!

Check back here periodically and we will post updates!

~The Blender Mods